Windows 10 HOME naar PRO

Windows 10 HOME naar PRO

Hieronder volgt een korte omschrijving hoe je eenvoudig van Windows 10 HOME en volwaardige Windows 10 PRO maakt: 

Generic key to upgrade from Home to Pro edition According to Charles, moderator at Microsoft forums, one can use the below mentioned key to legally upgrade from Home to Pro edition with ease.

The best thing about this key is that, it makes upgrading to Pro edition a little easier than the standard procedure. VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T

In order to upgrade from Windows 10 Home to Pro edition using the above product key, open Settings, click Update & security, click Activation, click Change product key, enter the above mentioned product key, and then REMOVE THE NETWORKCABLE and click Start upgrade button to begin upgrading your Windows 10 Home edition installation to Pro. After a restart in Windows 10 pro you can change the products key in the one that you purchased, the above mentioned product key makes upgrading from Home to Pro edition a straight-forward job. 

Posted on 19-11-2018 by CTI BV Licentie nieuws, Veel gestelde vragen, Installatie instructies 2865


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